We’ve trained 500 women in 5 years, will you help us train more?

We’ve been working hard to ensure that our 12 week “Code Queen” program continues to succeed and grow so that unemployed Ugandan women can continue to gain in-demand job skills. With over 500 women already having gone through the program, we want to ensure that we continue to help.

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This will take you to our secure CafDonate page.

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A £5 donation can go towards buying mobile data so women can continue learning with Code Queen through the pandemic.

A £20 donation helps pay for the salary for a facilitator/teacher.

A donation of £365 pays for one woman for the 12-week Code Queen course which links her to further opportunities

Other ways you can get involved…


You can donate monthly through your payroll via CAF

or Charities Trust - speak to your employer about the best way of giving
