Our school in the Masai Mara has been shut down due to COVID.

Our school, is a public/ private partnership with the local government in Kenya. All government schools are currently closed. Children can access learning through TV, radio, online but many don’t have the infrastructure. Also given the school boarding facilities served as a safe haven from FGM, hard labour and child marriage – many of the girls have had to go home to an environment that isn’t conducive to learning anyway. 

Although life in the West has been disrupted, technology has given us the opportunity to continue life to some extent – this isn’t the case for everyone in Africa. The poorest are losing out due to lack of infrastructure. And some of the most vulnerable are stuck in unsafe environments, much like the victims of domestic violence in the UK.

We thought that this recent article written by David Milliband and Sheryl Sandberg summarised the situation very well: Click here to read.

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